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The Conditions For a Successful Training



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily – may the blessing of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, whosoever have rooted knowledge and understanding of the Hereafter, will surely rush to prepare for it before its time, and he will certainly shun away from the luxuries of this worthless dunya.

For whosoever have pearls, and he was asked to sell those pearls for jewelries, off course he is going to hasten for such profitable bargains. Likewise, whosoever have rooted knowledge of the Paradise and what Allāh Has prepared for His servants in it, he will surely forget that of the dunya and hasten for the Hereafter.

However, in the journey towards Hereafter and training the heart on good acts, one must consider some conditions:

*1*. One must hasten to desist from sins and its path.

*2.* One must resort to a pious Ā’lim and stick to him so that one may not be snatched away by shayātīn on the journey.

*3.* One must have time for seclusion thereby thinking about one’s shortcomings and ways of refining them.

*4.* One must endeavor to go against one’s desires.

*5.* One must remember Allāh Ta’āla and carryout one’s daily awrād.

In addition, the best way of training the heart and purifying it from diseases is for one not to be headless of Allāh, but that cannot be attained except in seclusion and serious struggling and determination.

Thus, the above points we made mentioned are some of the ways of training the heart and purifying it.

*5th Jumādā Al-ūlā, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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