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The Conditions Of Tawbah



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

_*The Shurūt of At-tawbah.*_

Know verily that, repentance is a form of expression of regret which leads to high determination and firmness in action, and this is because regret makes one to realise that a certain sin serves as a barrier between one and Allāh.

And Regret is the pain of the heart which comes as a result of separation between one and one’s beloved, and its signs are the prolonged grief and weeping, for whoever feels the pain which may befall his child or the dearer ones to him, surely he will grief due to that.

However, is there anything dearer to him than his soul? Is there any punishment more severe than the Hell? Is there any clear factor which may lead to punishment than the sins? And is there any message more truthful than that of the Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam?

For if a doctor inform a person that his child is suffering from a disease which is incurable, then his grief will surely become severe in that situation, but his child is not more dearer to him than his soul nor the doctor more knowledgeable than Allāh and His Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam, nor death more severe than the hell, nor does disease lead to death more than the way sins lead to the wrath of Allāh Ta’āla which will definitely lead to hell.

Therefore, it is recommended for the Repenter to think about that which he missed of prayers or that which he prayed without its shurūt like praying in an uncleaned cloth, or with an intention which is not pure, because of his ignorance for these conditions, then he should pay them back all.

Likewise, if he has some fasting which he omitted, or some shurūt of hajj which were neglected, and the likes amongst the wajibāt, then he should pay them back by crosschecking what’s missing.

As for the sin, it is recommended that he should ponder from the first day of his puberty and check all the sins he might have committed. And what’s between himself and Allāh should be tackled by repentance which comes as a result of regretting on those sins and seeking forgiveness from Allāh.

Moreover, he should look at the nature of the sin and he should make an estimate for it, then he should seek to practise for every sin an equal good deed.

In this context, Allāh Ta’āla said:
_إِنَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ يُذْهِبْنَ السَّيِّئَاتِ…_

_….surely good deeds take away evil deeds…_

Sūratu Hūd, Verse 114.

And the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam was reported to have said:

_أتبع السيئة الحسنة تمحها._

_Follow an evil deed with a good deed, for surely it will efface it._

Transmitted by Imām At-tirmidhī#6/122. And shaykh Al-Albānī declared it as Sahīh.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*19th Dhul Qa’dah,1439H.*




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