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The Conditions of Tawbah 03



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

*First:* If one kills a person by mistake, then diya is given to the due person, but if one kills intentionally, then it is wājib to implement Qisās with its conditions, and one should surrender oneself to the waliyy of the killed person, and he has the right to either kill him or forgive and overlook.

And it is not permissible to hide this act of murder in this case, which is different from when he commits the act of Zinah, theft, drinking of wine, or falls into that which necessitates implementing the Hadd of Allāh Ta’āla on him. In these cases, it is not a prerequisite for his repentance to uncover his offences to others, rather, it is beloved to conceal the matter.

However, if his offence is revealed to the ruler so that Hadd can be imposed on him, then his repentance due to the Hadd implemented on him is valid and acceptable in the sight of Allāh Ta’āla, this is in accordance to the qissah of Mā’z and Al-Ghāmidiyyah who committed Zina during the lifetime of the prophet salallāhu ālayhi wasallam. Likewise, the Hadd of qazf.

*Second:* The oppression which has to do with wealth, like robbery, trickery, and delusion in terms of mu’āmalāt, then it is wājib upon one to return these rights to its owner.

Also, it is compulsory to talk to the people of the oppressed one in order to return their rights to them and to also seek for forgiveness from them. But if he couldn’t return all their rights to them, then he should do what’s obtainable and hasten to fill in the gap by increasing his good deeds.

This is the Hukm of the oppressed one regarding his wealth. But if one has wealth which its owner is unknown nor his heirs, then one should give out the wealth for sadaqah, and if the Halal should mix up with the Harām, then one should try to quantify the measure of the Harām by estimation, and then its equal is given out as sadaqah.

*Third:* This has to do with defaming the honor of others, and causing harm to the heart, then it is upon one to seek for forgiveness from each one of them and one should let them know the nature of one’s offence to them except if mentioning such offence may cause greater harm, then one should only seek for forgiveness from them without mentioning the offence to them.

And likewise, whoever has died amongst them, the sins of this act cannot be overcome except by increasing good deeds so that a compensation may be taken on the Day of Resurrection, and definitely, there is no way out except through superiority of good deeds.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*27th Dhul Qa’dah,1439H.*




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