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The Cures for Arrogance 02



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

*Second Stage.*

This is for one to be proud with his lineage due to their status or reputation. By so doing, one is only boosting with the status of others and one doesn’t poses such quality.

Whosoever feels pride through beauty should take a deep look at his inner core and he should not only look at his outer part like that of the Animals.

Also, whosoever becomes arrogant due to knowledge, then let him know that the Hujjah of Allāh on an ‘Ālim is greater as against that of the Jāhil, then he should be careful from slipping away, for the punishment for his slipping is more severe than that of the others, the way his status is greater than of others.

And one should also know that, pride is an attribute that is only specific to Allāh subhānahu wataā’la, and if one should attribute such quality to oneself, then Allāh will hate one for that because Allāh loves those who are humble and honest.

In addition, these attributes are like other qualities, it has two scale and its middle point. The excessive part of the scale is refers as arrogance while the laxative part is called humiliation and the middle course is termed as humbleness. The praiseworthy part is the moderate part which is humbleness.

Humbleness is for one not to be arrogant or assertive without humiliating oneself. And the best of every matter is its moderate part.

Thus, whosoever sees himself as better than others is an arrogant person, but whosoever humbles himself before Allāh and doesn’t see himself as better than others is a humble person.

However, this doesn’t mean one should humiliate himself in order to attain humbleness. Rather, one should be just and give people their due rights.

Moreover, one should be humble, soft and gentle in answering the questions of the masses, and making da’wah to them. And one should hasten to answer their needs and one should not belittle nor neglect them.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*6th Rabī’u Ath-thānī,1439H.*



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