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The Cures for Covetousness



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily that, the treatment of covetousness constitutes three pillars:

*1).* Patience.

*2).* Knowledge.

*3).* Action.

And these can be subdivided into five things:

*A)*. Moderation in lifestyle and spending. For whosoever wishes to attain contentment, it is upon him to block the means that may lead to overspending and luxury.

Thus, he should suffice himself with what he has and be satisfied with it no matter the standard be it food, cloth, shelter and he should culture himself on it.

In this context, the Messenger sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam was reported to have said:

_”ثلات منجيات: خشية الله تعالى في السر والعلانية، والقصد في الغنى والفقر، والعدل في الرضا والغضب”_

_”Three things save people from punishment: fear of Allah Ta’āla privately and publicly, and being moderate in spending in poverty and wealth, and being just during period of pleasure and anger.”_

Transmitted by Imām At-tabrānī in ‘Al-awsat’. Shaykh Al-Albāni declared it as Hasan in ‘As-sahīhah’#1802.

*B)*. Moderation in ambition. If Allāh bestowed one with what suffices one, one should not be in strong aspiration for more, and one should have strong assurance that, what is ordained for one of wealth, will certainly come on one’s way, and should know that, it is shaitān that promises poverty.

*2nd Ramadān,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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