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The Desirability of Date for Sahūr



Hadith On The Desirability of Date for Sahūr

عن أبي هريرة-رضي الله عنه- أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: نعم سحور المؤمن التمر”
رواه أبو داود.

On the authority of Abu Hurairah – radiyaAllahu anhu- who said that the prophet- salaAllahu alayhi wasalam- said: “the best of sahour (pre-dawn meal) for the believers is the dates”
Abu Dawud


1. The desirability of taking dates for sahour.

2. The sahour (pre-dawn meal) is easy and simple since it can be achieved by taking a date or a gulp of water.

3. One must have the right intention for sahour in other to get the reward.

4. One should not always target heavy meals that would deprive him completely the feeling of hunger and thirst.

May Allah accept our Ibadah and grant us His forgiveness, Aameen.

Don’t forget us in your du’a.

JazaakumuLLahu Khayran.


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