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the Disease of Foolishness



Imām Abū Hamīd
Al-Ghazali – Rahimahullāhu

A). The one whose disease is from the angle of foolishness. This
In this regard, it was reported that ‘Īsā ‘Alayhissalam said:

I was able to bring dead to life with Allāh’s permission, but I wasn’t able to cure the foolish person.

One of the bad characters of this foolish person is that he is always in haste to ask question from a grounded Shaykh not for the purpose of learning, but just to attack the Shaykh and to expose what he presumed to be error in the verdict of the Shaykh.

And what pushes this foolish person to this ignorant act is his thoughts that he has spent a few period in the field of learning and he has learnt thereof.

Hence, he has the audacity to attack a grounded Shaykh who has spent all his life in the field of knowledge due to his ignorance and foolishness.

This foolish person has forgotten that, that which looks obscured to him in the field of knowledge is never the same as that of the Shaykh who is deep rooted in the field.

Therefore, the only remedy for this stupid person, is to turn aside from him and not to answer him.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

24th Ramadhān, 1441H.





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