_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
*2.*The religious censorship should be on an act that is *munkar, taking place at the spot and can be seen apparently*.
The meaning of the act been *munkar* is for it to be an act that is condemned totally in the sharià. And munkar is encompassing as against sin, for whosoever sees a child or a mad person drinking beer, it is obligatory upon him to stop the child or the mad person from such an act because the act is munkar in itself. Likewise, if he should see a mad person making zina with an animal, it is also wājib upon him to stop him from the act.
And the meaning of our statement that the evil act should be the one taking place at the spot is to resonate a person who has finished committing the act. In such a case, one can only preach to him in order not to go back to the act again.
Also, knowing that another person intend to drink beer at night, in this case, there is no religious censorship on the person because he has not commit the act except only to make wadh to him not to embark on his bad intention.
In addition, our statement that the act should be the one that is seen apparently shows that whosoever commits a sin in a hidden place or in his/her house where he/she can not be seen by others, it is not permissible for one to spy on him.
However, in a case where the act can be notice by someone outside like the sound of musical instruments and the likes, thus, in this case, it is upon the person who heard the sound of the musical instruments to enter the resident of the person and break the instruments based on his capability and the conditions we made mentioned regarding the munkir(I.e the person who command good and forbid evil).
And also, if one should smell the bad odour of beer from another person, what’s evident is that, it is permissible for one to make inkār on him.
And lastly, it has been made a condition for the inkār of munkar that the munkar should be something that is well known without any ijtihād nor obscurity.
*21st Safar, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!