_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
*3.* The inkār must not be restricted on a mukallaf(I.e an adult and sane person) only. Rather, inkār can be carried out on a child or mad person.
*4.* Religious censorship in itself has some ādāb;
*I.* The religious censorship should be on a munkar that is seen and apparent. Thus, it is not permissible for one to spy on a fellow Muslim in order to see what he/she is doing in his/her resident whether good or bad. It is not also permissible for one to seek the detail affairs of one’s neighbor and if one should hear bad rumors regarding his neighbor, it is upon one to make inkār on those who are spreading such rumors.
*II.*Educating the ignorant person. For an ignorant may embark on something without knowing that such an act is munkar in itself. Thus, it is wājib he should be educated by the munkir in a soft tune and polite manner.
And one may say to him;
_”إن الإنسان لا يولد عالم، ولقد كنا جاهلين بأمور الشرع حتى علمنا العلماء، فلعل قريتك خالية من أهل العلم_”
_”Verily, man is not born as Ālim, for indeed! we were ignorant people patterning the matters of the sharià until we were thought by the Úlamāh, and may be your town is empty of the people of knowledge “_.
By this type of approach, one will be able to educate him without hurting him.
*III.* Warning against the munkar with wadh, nasīha and the fear of Allāh, The most High. And one should also recite to him those verses that talks about the punishment awaiting the sinners and the oppressors, and the sīrah of the past predecessors should be narrated to him. However, one should do that in a polite manner and kindly not in a harsh way.
And also, by making inkār to others, one should not see oneself better than others, for such act is a form of ignorant and deception from shaitān.
Rather, one should fear Allāh in commanding good and forbidding evil and one should not do it in order to seek for position nor praise.
*IV.* Rebuking and using harsh method of approach. One will use this method if the soft method does not yield solution. Especially if the person committing the sin is making mockery of the nasīha and wadh. But that doesn’t mean using abusive words and lying. Rather, one can say; Oh fāsiq, oh foolish, oh jāhil, won’t you fear Allāh?.
In this regard, Allāh says about Ibrāhīm alayhissalam;
_”أف لكم ولما تعبدون من دون الله أفلا تعقلون”_
_”Fie on you and on what you serve besides Allah; what! do you not then understand?”_
*Suratu Al Anbiyāh, verse 67.*
*22nd Safar, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!