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The Elements of Commanding Good and Forbidding Evil 03



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

*V.*Changing the munkar with hand. These involves breaking those things that are used to transgress the limit of Allāh such as musical instruments, bottles of beers etc. And we have already stated that changing of the munkar using the hand is only permissible for those in authority in order to avoid any fitna as a result of people taking action in their hands.

*VI.* Warning and threatening. Like saying: ‘Shun away from this act if not I will do so and so so thing to you’, one is highly encouraged to warn a sinner from his bad action before taking any action with hand.

And the ādāb in this is that, one should not threaten him with a punishment that cannot be executed by one nor permissible in the sharià such as saying: “I will seize your house”, for if one really mean what he says, it is Haram to do that, and if one just said it as way of threatening him, one has lied.

*VII.* For one not to be able to make the inkār except with the use of weapons and the assistance of others. And the fāsiq may also call his own gang in order to assist him. By so doing, it may result into bloodshed and fighting.

Thus, what is right in this case is that, such type of making of inkār needs the permission of the Imām because without that, it may lead to greater fitna and fasad. Though, some ulamaa upheld that it is not a condition that one has to seek for the permission of the Imām before making such inkār.

*23rd Safar, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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