_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, it is of good character for one to relate with others without pride and one should be humble to others without humiliating oneself.
One is also expected to meet his friends with a smiling face because that is a form of charity as stated by our beloved Messenger of Allah sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam in an authentic Hadith.
In a gathering or sitting, one is recommended to avoid interlocking his fingers together nor putting his tomb in his nose nor spitting within the gathering nor turning his back looking side by side. For all these is amongst bad manners one is encouraged to avoid in order not to cause discomfort to others.
When a brother is speaking to one, one should listen to him carefully and give him his attention. He should not ask him to repeat his statement except in some cases.
In case of dressing, one should dress properly and neatly. One is also encouraged to behave well to his household without arrogance.
In addition, one should not sit with rulers, for that might affect one’s religion and one may not be able to correct them for their errors in the sitting.
Moreover, one should Beware of a friend who shun away from one in times of difficulties. One should not place one’s wealth before one’s honor. Rather, one should safeguard his honor and one should not humiliate oneself because of money.
Furthermore, one should not sit on the street, if it happens, then one should safeguard his eyes from seeing Haram and one should assist the oppressed ones and guide the lost person.
Lastly, one should beware of sitting with the ordinary people who lacks knowledge and manners. And if one should sit with them, one should overlook their bad manners and one should not engage in their discussions. And one should give up too much joking, for the intelligent ones hates too much jesting.
*26th Al Muharram, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!