Imām Abū Hamīd
Al-Ghazali – Rahimahullāhu
C). The one whose disease is from the lens of dullness or stupidity. This is disease is also irremediable.
This person is not able to understand or comprehend the statements of the ‘Ulamā which are clearly elaborated.
He always misunderstand matters due to his narrow foresight. Also, he doesn’t understand simple matters let alone the complex ones.
In addition, he do ask questions Whose answers can only be grasped by the intelligent ones not the stupid person like him.
Hence, one should turn aside from such a person and not to answer.
However, if it is necessary to speak with him, then one should interact with him based on his narrow understanding so that he can grasp its meaning.
That said. As for the intelligent person, then his disease is curable. The intelligent person is the one with deep foresight who seeks guidance through the right path and he is not overpowered with envy, anger, loves of desires, status, wealth. And also, he doesn’t ask questions as a form of attacking the ulama nor testing their level in knowledge.
Hence, one is recommended to attend to his questions. In fact, it is wājib to answer his questions.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
26th Ramadhān, 1441H.