Daily Posts

The Hidden Show Off



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily – may the Rahmah of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, in showing off, there is that which is obscure and that which is apparent and obvious:

*The Apparent Show off:*

In this show off, the deed is built mainly for showing off from the onset and it is done for its purpose. Thus, it is not done for the sake of Allāh right from the beginning and it will be thrown against its doer on the Day that children and wealth will be of no avail to him.

*The Hidden Show Off:*

This type of show off doesn’t emanate from the beginning of the deed and the deed is not done for this purpose. Rather, it comes on the way such that it weakens and lightens the deed which was built solely for the sake of Allāh Ta’āla from the onset.

For instance, one who is accustomed to At-tahajjud every night but it is always difficult for him. However, due to the presence of his visitor, he finds it easier and finds himself energized.

But know that, the show off which its effect cannot be seen or noticed in the nature of the act is more obscured than the aforementioned. For it is only attached to the heart. Thus, this type of show off cannot be known nor outwardly seen except through some signs.

And the greatest sign is for one to always feel happy and comfortable due to the presence of others during one’s act of ‘Ibādāt.

In addition, it is possible to have a sincere servant who built his act sincerely to Allāh right from onset, and he doesn’t aim with his act to show off. Rather, he even disliked showing off, and his act is purely for the sake of Allāh. However, the presence of others makes him feel happy and he decided to take a recess in order to show them that he is really exhausted with the ‘Ibādah.

Therefore, this happiness he feels in his heart during the presence of others denotes the hidden show off which filters out the happiness, for if not because his heart has turned to those who are present he wouldn’t have been happy for their presence in the first place.

*12th Shawwal,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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