_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
And some amongst those ‘Ulamā are those who are deeply rooted in knowledge, and they have purified their organs from its diseases, beautified them with obedience, and they have also censored their heart from its vices such as showoff, envy, arrogance, and their likes.
Except that, in their heart, there are still some hidden plots of the shaitān and deception which are obscured. Thus, for these reasons, they didn’t take good note of them and they neglect them.
Therefore, you may see one of them spending his whole night in worship, his days in gathering knowledge, and its composition and beautifying its alfādh and he considers such research of his as an effort and struggle on elucidating the deen of Allāh Taā’la.
Moreover, he may use his work on the deen to seek reputation, and he may praise himself in his writings either openly with the pretext of writing a long petition or secretly by condemning others to indicate that he is far better than them in status, position and knowledge.
Thus, these examples and their likes are amongst the hidden deception and shortcomings which cannot be fully grasped except by the astute, intelligent ones which the likes of us amongst the weak ones doesn’t comprehend.
Hence, the least stage is for one to fully take note of the flaws of his soul and hasten to rectify them.
In addition, whosoever his good deeds make him happy and his bad deeds make him sad, then there is high hope in his affairs, and such a person is clearly different from the one who praises himself, and count himself amongst the pious ones.
This deception is in the case of knowledge which is of great importance, then what about those who busy themselves with less essential knowledge and overlook the vital one?!
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*7th Jumada athThanni,1439H.*