_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, the source of love for position and leadership is due to love of reputation and popularity, and this is very dangerous. However, one is at ease and safe if one is not recognized by others except Allāh Azzawajal.
The pious ones never aim at popularity nor seek for it and they never follow the path that may lead to it, and if Allāh in His infinite mercy and blessings increase their status within people thereby making them popular, they try to hide such status and prefer idleness.
In this regard, it was reported from Ibn Mas’ud Radiyallāhu anhu that he went out of his house and he was followed by some group of people at the back, he turned and said to them: Why are you following me at the back? By Allāh, if you had known what is with me of setbacks none of you will dare to follow me at the back.
In another narration, it was reported that he said to them:
Go back for it is an humiliation for the follower and a fitna for the one that’s followed.
And it was said that any time more than four people sits with Abu Al-‘Āliyah Rahimahullāhu he used to stand up from such sitting.
Also, it was reported that whenever Khālid Ibn Ma’dān Rahimahullāhu noticed much people in his gathering, he used to run away from such gathering fearing for himself reputation and recognition.
Imām Az-zuhrī Rahimahullāhu said:
_We didn’t consider Zuhd in anything like in the case of leadership, and we do see a person making zuhd in terms of food, clothes and wealth, however, whenever he is given a position, he rushes to it and shows hostility due to it._
Lastly, a man said to Bashir Al-Hāfī Rahimahullāhu:
_Advise me, he said: Don’t make yourself to be recognized by others, and purify your food. And he said: The man who loves to be known and recognized by others will not get sweetness in the pursue of Hereafter._
*11th shawwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!