The Mandhūmah of Al-Albīrī
Author: Abū Is'hāq Ibrahim Ibn Mas'ūd Ibn Sa'ad At-Tujaybī Al-Garnātī Al-Albīrī Al-Andalusī

Abū Is’hāq Ibrahim Ibn Mas’ūd Ibn Sa’ad At-Tujaybī Al-Garnātī Al-Albīrī Al-Andalusī was a famous Poet in the city of Granada in Spain. He wrote Poems of Zuhd and Hikmah and was loved by the people who enjoyed his beautiful words, eloquence and piety. He once wrote a Poem criticizing the then Amīr of Granada for taking a Jewish man for his Wazīr. This led to his exile by the Amīr and later execution. This was because the People became against the Amīr by virtue of the impact of Al-Albīrī’s Poem.
His execution was in 459AH. May Allah be merciful to him. Amongst his excellent poems is the Tā’iyyah which is today popular as ‘Mandhūmatu Al-Albīrī’
The Poem focuses on the Merits of Ilm, and Advising the Student of Knowledge and a Shaykh on the pitfalls of Knowledge and its essence.
Al-Albīrī’s style is unique and rich. He directed his poem at a youth he called Abū Bakr and then directs blames at himself in the end pretending to be Abū Bakr. Al-Albīrī’s writing is so interesting and important that a student of knowledge will never tire studying it for it rekindles in his heart the Quintessence of Ilm.
Get to sit down before a Shaykh and study it! You will benefit so much from it…
Bārakallāhu fīkum