Book Reviews

The Mīmiyyah of Al-Hakamī

Author: Hāfidh Ibn Alī Al-Hakamī

Knowledge-Seeking is undoubtedly one of the most virtuous things that a Servant of Allāh can devote his time and life to. For this reason, Allāh elevated the People of Knowledge in His Book and selected them to testify the Universality of His Tawhid. But Knowledge  Seeking must be made the right way with the right intentions, directions and focus.

Of the concise and excellent treatises that has been authored in this regard in our Library is the Mīmiyyah Poetry of Hāfidh Ibn Alī Al-Hakamī, the author of the Sullam we had earlier reviewed.

Al-Hakamī, true to his unique style, utilized his superior knowledge of Arabic Grammer, Rhymes and Poetry, and his rootedness in Ilm, in making this beautiful Treatise the exact Text that is needed to guide the Student of Knowledge in his Quest for Seeking.

He divided his Poem into Six:

  1. An Introduction wherein he mentioned the Merits of Ilm and the merits of its seeking.
  2. A Section dedicated to Advising the Student of Knowledge on the necessary determination and focus he needs to have
  3. A Section Encouraging giving Importance to the Qur’ān and the Merits of same
  4. A Section Encouraging Holding unto the Sunnah and Acquiring its different Sciences
  5. A Section on the Importance of the Science of Inheritance, other Important Sciences and a Warning from the Innovative Sciences
  6. Last Section on Reaping the Fruits of KnowledgeBeloved One! Ensure to acquire a copy of the Mīmiyyah and strive to study it under an Established Ālim, you will be Praise-Worthy.

    Bārakallāhu fīkum
    Jazākumullāhu Fīkum


Islamnode is a platform for the dissemination of sound Knowledge of Islam and an orientation of Muslims of the Sciences of the Din in accordance with the Pristine Knowledge taught by the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – to the Companions – Ridwanullah ‘Alayhim – and understood by them, their Students and those who followed them of the earliest generations. We follow the Sunnah of the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – and promote the Works of the Ulama of Sunnah from the first generation to date. Our goal is to propagate the Sciences of Islam, to disseminate the sound understanding of the Salaf and to enable the sound education of Muslims in this era.

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