_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
*III. The munkarāt of the bathrooms.*
Of it is the hanging of photos on the doors of the bathrooms or its entrance, and it suffices that such photos should be distorted if found. However, for the one who is not capable of making inkār, it is not permissible for him to enter into such bathrooms except for Addarūrah(necessity), and he should seek for a different bathroom.
And of it, is the exposing of Al-Àwrāt, and glancing at it.
And of it, is the dipping of impure hands and plates into water which may affect its usage for purification.
*IV. The munkarāt of Hospitality.*
And of it, is the using of silk mats for sitting by men, burning of Al-Bukhūr(incense) using golden or silver pots, and drinking from them(I.e gold or silver cup), and likewise the use of curtains with pictures on it, and listening to singers, and the mixing of the opposite sex, All these are munkar and it is wājib that they are prohibited or changed, and whosoever is not capable of changing it, it becomes incumbent on him to leave the place at the spot.
As for the pictures on cushions and carpets, it is not munkar, and likewise golden or silver mats for women, for verily, it is permissible for them to use it, and there is no rukhsah in piercing the ears of young girls in order to put silver earrings, for in that act there is a serious pain and thus, it is not permissible. Though, some ulamaa upheld its permissibility. And hiring for such a work is not permissible, and the wages from it is also Haram. Thus, using golden necklace and bracelet suffices from that.
And of it, is the presence of a mubtadí who propagates his bidí amongst the guests, thus, it is not permissible that one should invite him to the gathering except if one is capable of making inkār on him, and if it happens that the mubtadí doesn’t propagate his bidí, it is permissible to invite him to the gathering and one should show his disdain of him.
And if amongst the guests there is someone who entertains others with Obscene talks and lies, such a person should be avoided, and it is wājib to make inkār on him, but if he is someone that crack jokes in which there is no lies and obscene talks in it, it is permissible to stay with him. But if he takes that as a habitual behavior, he should be prevented from such act.
*29th Safar, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!