_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Amongst them are those who exceeded these limits of the sharia, and they busy themselves with unnecessary thoughts, and they innovated some path in order to acquire the knowledge of Allah.
And when they noticed that they have attained the so called knowledge they aspire for, they were carried away with it and mesmerized with its wonders and their hearts clung to it neglecting all other things. And all these are just deceptions from shaitān.
Reason being that, the wonders of the path of Allah Subhānahu wata’āla has no end. Therefore, if one were to cling to every wonders on the path, that will surely slows one’s pace and hinder one’s main goal.
Hence, the similitude of this person is as though a person who wishes to meet a king. Then on the way to the palace of the king, he saw a garden filled with different varieties of flowers with different colors which he has never seen before. He then stood there looking at the flowers until the stipulated time for meeting the king elapsed
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*25th Rajab,1439H.*