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The Mutasawwafah (Sufi Sects)



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

*3). Al Mutasawwafah.*

Know verily that, the deceived ones amongst the sufis are of different categories:

Amongst them are those who are lured by their wears, words, and appearance. Thus, they pretend to imitate the truthful ones amongst the sufis by their outward appearance, without making any effort in censoring their heart against their own vain desires.

Nay, they indulge in those things that are Harām, doubtful, and they rush towards the kings for wealth. And they quarrel with one another over worldly matters. Therefore, the deception of these types of people are apparent.

Their similitude is as though an old woman who heard that the names of some courageous soldiers amongst the armies are listed in a diary for a certain expedition and she wishes to be amongst them. Thus, she wore an armor, placed a helmet on her head, learnt little about the poem of the warriors and their characters, then went to the camp of the army and wrote her name in the diary.

Unfortunately for her, before the expedition, they were to be examined and crosschecked. Hence, they were told to remove their helmets and their armors.

On reaching her, the examiner saw an old and weak woman standing in front of him, and he said to her:

_Are you trying to mock the king and the people by dressing like a soldier, please get hold of her and throw her into the mouth of an elephant._

This is the same situation of those who claim to be sufis on Doomsday, when the veil is uncovered before them and they will be exposed in front of Allāh Ta’āla, the One who knows what is hidden in the heart and what’s apparent.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*17th Rajab,1439H.*




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