_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Amongst those so called sufis, are those who claim to have knowledge of Allāh, ability to show what they consider as truth, and they are special people in the sight of Allāh. Whereas they know nothing about those matters except names.
Thus, they may be chanting those names and repeating them to the extent that they may view themselves more knowledgeable than the first generation.
And they also belittle and despise the ‘ulama of Fiqh, Hadīth, the pious ones and the worshippers let alone the common people to the extent that they succeeded in deceiving these common people so that they may camp with them for some days to be chanting those forged words as if it is an inspiration, and they may even say:
_Those so called ‘Ulama and the worshippers are debarred from Allāh, and we are the path to the truth because we are the closest to Allāh._
Whereas, such statements of theirs are just fabrications and empty claims which are weightless.
This is because these people may be amongst the fujjār, munāfiqūn in the sight of Allāh and amongst the foolish and ignorant ones in the sight of those who have deep insight.
Neither did they have knowledge nor good character. And they never censure their heart from vices except following their vain desires and irrational talks.
Amongst them are those who keep aside the sharia, reject the Ahkām, and they make that which is Halal as being the same to that which is Harām, and they say:
_Allāh is Self Sufficient from our deeds, thus, we need not to stress ourselves_
And some may even say:
_Organs are not essential for actions. Rather, the most important element is our heart, and our heart is already filled with the love for Allāh Ta’āla, it is connected to Him, and we are just moving in this dunya with our body while our heart is attached to the heaven, and we only engage in desires outwardly not with our heart._
And they also claim that they have superseded the stages of the common people, and they are sufficient from purifying their heart with actions, and desires doesn’t shield them from the path of Allāh because of their high status.
And they consider those so called status of theirs to be more than those of the prophets; because the prophets ‘Alayhimussalam used to weep over a single mistake for years while they have already pass the level of being regretful for their sins.
Hence, the different deceptions of these so called sufis are uncountable, and all of it are just whispers and delusions that the shaitān uses to lure them into the pit of misguidance and destruction.
And this is as a result of them busying themselves with unnecessary thoughts instead of acquiring knowledge and struggling for it.
Neither did they emulate a pious, knowledgeable ‘ālim nor did they follow the footsteps of the sahābas.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*23rd Rajab,1439H.*