٦- عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه، أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ((يدخل الجنة أقوام، أفئدتهم مثل أفئدة الطير)) صحيح مسلم.
قال المناوي:
(( أي: الذين هم الله خائفون، وله مجلون ولهيبتة خاضعون، ومن عذابه مشفقون)) فيض القدير.
Narrated from Abū Hurayrah – Radiyallāhu Anhu – that the Prophet – Salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam said:
“Some people will enter Jannah. Their hearts is like the heart of birds”. Sahih Muslim
Al-Munāwi said in ‘Faydu Al-Qadīr’:
“ They are those who have fear of Allah with respect to Allah, who revere and hold them with respect, who humble themselves in reverence of Him and are in serious fear of His punishment”.
Faydu Al-Qadir.
Are you of them?!
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran
Baarakallaahu Feekum