Daily Posts

The Relationship Between Patience and Gratitude



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

The Relationship Between Patience and Gratitude

One may argue that:

You have mentioned that for everything there is a blessing which Allāh Has attached to it, this shows that in the first place, adversity is no where to be found, then if that’s case, what’s the essence of patience, and if on the other hand, there is adversity, then what’s benefit behind gratitude? And how can patience and gratitude be found at equal time?! And being that, patience means being patient on affliction, while gratitude indicates being happy on a blessing, thus, apparently, they contradict each other.

Know verily that, adversity is in existence, the way blessing is also found.

But note that, is not every adversity that requires patience, such as Kufr, for it is an adversity of the highest order. Therefore, there is no essence of being patient on it, and likewise sins.

Only that, the Kāfir doesn’t realize that his kufr is an adversity for him. Thus, his similitude is as though a sick person who doesn’t feel pain of his sickness due to his unconsciousness.

Therefore, it is obligatory upon the one who has realized his sin to desist from the sin, for any adversity that is evitable doesn’t require patience.

For instance, the one who refused to take water while thirsty until the pain become severe is not commanded to be patient on it. Rather, he is highly advised to drive away the pain by taking water. Reason being that, patience is only applicable to a situation where pain is inevitable.

Hence, patience in this dunya is not only specific to that which is purely adversity, rather, it may be a blessing in some aspect.

For this reason, it is possible to be grateful and be patient at the same time.. For example, wealth can be a destruction for its owner, to the extent that it may lead to his death like in the case of attack by robbers, likewise the case of health.

That said. Know that, there is no any blessing amongst the blessings of this dunya except that it can turn into adversity for its owner, and in some cases, he may be blessed and afflicted by it at the same time.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*26th Jumāda Al-Ūla,1440H.*




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