Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
The example for this is: man doesn’t know when he will pass away, it is a blessing for him, for if he knows, his life will be disturbed and he will not feel comfortable.
Likewise his ignorance regarding what people feel about him, for if was informed, his life would be covered with pains, hatred, envy and how to take revenge.
And likewise his ignorance regarding the blameworthy attributes of others and their shortcomings, for had he known them, he will surely hate them and that will harm him, and that becomes a calamity for him.
And of it is his unawareness of the day of Resurrection, the Lailatu Al-Qadr, and the hour of accepting Du’a on Friday.
All these are forms of blessings. This is because his ignorance necessitates constant in seeking and struggle, this is the aspect of blessings of Allāh Taā’la in his ignorance regarding them, then what about His blessings regarding knowledge?!
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*28th Jumāda Al-Ūla,1440H.*