Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
Know verily that, we have mentioned that, in everything, there is a blessing that Allāh subhānahullāh has attached to it, even pains may be a form of blessings for its sufferer, and it may be a calamity for others, like the pain of the Kuffār in hellfire, for it is a blessing for the dwellers of Paradise.
This is because if the kuffār didn’t get their due punishment for their sins, then the believers in the Paradise will not realize the level of their blessings, and they become more happy if they remembere how Allāh saved them from the torment of Hell.
For instance, people are not greatly pleased with the light of the sun since it is enjoyed by all, even though they are in dire need of it, nor did they glance at the Zīnah of the heaven, and the sun is even more vital than plants. But since everybody benefit from it, its importance is not much felt.
Hence, Allāh Has placed for everything wisdom and grace, either for all servants, or for some individuals. Thus, in the creation of affliction is a blessing, either for the afflicted person or for others.
For verily, a person may be pleased with a certain part of a thing and be displeased with the same thing from another angle, hence, patience is needed in what displeases him of the thing while gratitude is needed in what pleases him.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*12th Jumāda Ath-thānī,1440H.*