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The Right of Religious Censorship



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

If it was said: Does a child have religious censorship upon his father, a servant upon his master, and a wife upon her husband, citizen upon his leader?

We say: The right of religious censorship is well established for each one of them, and we make mention of five levels of religious censorship: thus if a child is capable, he is entitled to explain the evil nature of an act to his closed ones, then admonish them and make nasīha to them in a polite manner, and he can also break anything that is used to transgress the limit of Allāh such as musical instruments and bottles of beers. And this also applies in the case of a servant to his master and a wife to her husband.

However, for the Masses to their leader, the affair is difficult in this case because of its repercussions. Thus, the only thing they can do is just to show the evil nature of the act and to make sincere nasīha to their leader. This is in the case of someone who is capable of forbidding evil. As for the one who is not capable due to his weakness or he thinks his wādh may not be considered, it is not wājib upon him to make inkār except with his heart.

*18th Safar, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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