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The Righteous Ulama


Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-

 The Righteous Ulamaa are the type of Ulamaa that acquire knowledge for the sake of Allah and not for worldly gains.

Thus, the righteous ulamaa are distinguished by the following characteristics:

♦ They consider the dunya as worthless and a place of deception.

♦ They prefer the Hereafter over the worldly life.

♦ Their statements do not contradict their action. In fact, they serve as mentors to people not only by their speeches but by their actions.

♦ They hasten for the most honourable knowledge which is the knowledge that has to do with Hereafter and knowing Allah and His attributes.

In this context, it was reported from Shaqeeq Al-bulkhi rahimahuAllah that he said to Haatim:

“You have being with me for many years, then what have you learnt from Me?

Hatim replied by saying:

I have learnt the following eight things from you;

♦ I looked towards the people, I noticed that everybody has a beloved one. But when they passed away, the beloved ones will leave them alone in their grave with no companionship.

Thus, I have decided to make my good deeds my beloved one, which would accompany me to the grave and it will serve as my tight companion in it.

♦ I have pondered upon the statement of Allah where He says:

ونهى النفس عن الهوى

“And has restrained his soul from desires.”
Suratu An-Nazi’at verse 40

Thus, I strived hard in order to restrain my soul from desires and in order to accustom myself to obeying Allah Ta’ala.

♦ I noticed that individuals have one or two things they value most in their life. And they always want to keep it with them and care for its safety.

Then I reflected upon the statement of Allah where He says:

ماعندكم ينفد وماعند الله باق

“What is with you must vanish and what is with Allah is will ensure.”
Suratu An-Nahl, verse 96

So, I hastened to keep those things that I value most in my life with Allah so that it will be with Him and it will not vanish by so doing.

♦ I looked at people, I saw them rushing for properties and boasting with their lineage and authority, whereas all these things are worthless in the sight of Allah.

Then I pondered on where Allah says:

إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم

“Verily, the most honourable person among you is the one who is the most righteous among you.”
Suratu Al-Hujurat verse 13

Thus, I concerned myself with fear of Allah in order to attain honor and piety in the sight of Allah.

♦ I noticed that people are envying one another, then I pondered on where Allah says:

نحن قسمنا بينهم معيشتهم

“It is We who portion out between them their livelihood.”
Suratu Az-zukhruf verse 32

Therefore, I dissociate myself from envy.

♦ I observed the promulgation of enmity among people, then I checked where Allah says:

إن الشيطان لكم عدو فاتخذوه عدوا

“Verily, shaitan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy.”
Suratu Faatir, verse 6

So I kept away from their enmity and I took shaitan as my only enemy.

♦ I observed that people are spending all their efforts in order to earn livelihood.

Then I pondered on the verse where Allah says:

ومامن دابة في الأرض إلا على الله رزقها

“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on Allah. Suratu Hud, verse 6.

Therefore, I busy myself with carrying out the commandments of Allah and i placed my trust on Him in earning livelihood.

♦ I noticed that people depend on their trade, manufactures and their good conditions.

Thus, I decided to rely on Allah Ta’ala for all my affairs.”

Allaahu A’alam

Baarakallaahu feekum


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