Daily Posts

The Rights of Brotherhood 03



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


Know verily that, if one did not defend the honor of his Muslim brother, indeed he has chosen to hand him over to his enemy whenever his enemy seek for him. Thus, one should hasten to protect the dignity of his brothers and their families too. In order for one to attain this, there are two things that can enhance one in it;

*I*.Imagine what was said about him of bad information was said about you in his presence. Off course, you wouldn’t like that, then why are you spreading bad news about your brother?.

*II*. Imagine he was behind a corner listening to you when they were spoiling his image publicly and you couldn’t defend him in his absence. No doubt, you wouldn’t want him to hear the lies you made against him in his absence and you wouldn’t want someone to do the same to you. Therefore, you should try to defend him sincerely whether in his absence or presence, if not, one may become a hypocrite.

And one should try to impart what he has of knowledge to his fellow Muslims and one should not be a miser.

In addition, one should sincerely advise his brother privately, for that is better than doing it openly in front of people. And of it, one should overlook his errors and shortcomings.

*4*. Praying for his brother in his lifetime and after death. In this regard, Abu Ad Darda reported that the Messenger of Allāh sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam said:

_”دعوة المرء المسلم لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة، عند رأسه ملك موكل كلما دعا لأخيه بخير قال الملك الموكل به: آمين، ولك بمثل”_

_”The Duá of a Muslim for his brother in his absence will surely be answered, every time he makes duà for good for his brother, the angel appointed for this particular task says: Āmīn! May it be for you too.”_

Transmitted and recorded by Imām Muslim in his ‘Sahih#2733.

Lastly, it is reported that Abu Ad Darda radiyallāhu used to supplicate for his brothers while mentioning their names.

*24th Al Muharram, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam
Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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