_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
*5*. Loyalty and trust.
The meaning of loyalty, is for one to love his brother because of his good behavior till death. And if the brother passes away, one should love his children and friends. For it was reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam honored and treated an old woman kindly by saying:
_” إنها كانت تغشانا في أيام خديجة، وإن حسن العهد من الإيمان”_
_”Verily, she used to visit us during the lifetime of Khadijah, and verily, a good fulfillment is part of faith. “_
Transmitted and recorded by Al Hākim(1/16). And the beloved Shaykh Al Albāni rahimahullāhu declared it as Sahih in Assahīha#216.
And of it, one should not change from his modesty toward his beloved brothers because of certain position he attains in life.
And know verily that, it is not of loyalty for one to Concord with his brother on those things that are against the deen nor praise him more than expected. Rather, one should correct him where he slips and advise him where it is necessary.
*6*. One should not be a liability to his brother.
This means that, one should not over Burden his brother with what he cannot bear nor depend on him for sustenance or living. In this regard, Jàfar Ibn Muhammad was reported to have said:
_” أثقل إخواني علي من تكلف لي وأتحفظ منه، وأخفهم على قلبي من أكون معه كما أكون وحدي”_
_”The farthest brother to me is the one who over burden me with much burdens, and the nearest brother to me is the one whom when I am with him, as if I am alone”_
And one should not love his brother because of dunya or because of what he thinks he might get from him. Rather, one should hasten to love his brother for the sake of Allāh, the Almighty and to also assist him towards rectifying his shortcomings and increasing him in knowledge concerning his deen.
Lastly, the wise people used to say:
_”من سقطت كلفته دامت ألفته”_
_”Whosoever his demand falls(from others), his intimacy last for long.”_
*25th Al Muharram, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!