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The Ruling on Listening to Music



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


Know verily that, music is one of the biggest means by which iblīs use to spread corruption on the heart, and he has deceived many people through that even the ulamā and the zuhād are not safe from this deception let alone the masses to the extent that some claim that heart do unites with Allāh when listening to music, and they falsely claim that they get connected with the Hereafter by so doing.

Whosoever wishes to know the truth regarding listening to songs or music, should check the life of the first generation, did the Messenger of Allāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam did something of that nature or his companions, then one should check the statement of the tābi’īn and those that follows them, and the fuqahā of the ummah, the likes of Imām Malīk, Abu Hanīfah, and Ash-shāfi’i, and Imām Ahmad rahimahumullāh, for everyone of them kicks against music.

In this regard, Imām Malīk rahimahullāhu was reported to have said:

_”إذا اشترى جارية، فوجدها مغنية، كان له ردها، وسئل عن الغناء فقال: إنما يفعله الفساق”_

_”If one should buy a slave girl, and finds out that she is a Singer, he has the right to return her back( to the seller), and he was asked about singing, he said: It is an act carried out by the fussāq(bad people).”_

Imām Ahmad rahimahullāhu was reported to have been asked about a man who died and left a son and slave girl, and then the boy needed to sell the slave girl, Imām Ahmad rahimahullāhu said:

She should be sold as a slave girl without any skill not as a singer, it was then said to him: she cost thirty thousand dinār if she would be sold as a singer while she would only cost twenty thousand dinār when sold as artless slave girl, Imām Ahmad replied by saying:

She should not be sold out except as a artless slave girl, and the fuqahā has reached consensus regarding warning against singing.

*16th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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