_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Abu At-tayyib At-tabarī authored a book on the forbiddance of singing and listening to music, and it is only those that has been in fitna that upheld its permissibility, and they said: indeed some salaf upheld its permissibility.
And Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal rahimahullāhu heard some statement and said there is nothing bad in it, thus, it is upon one to look deeply on what Imām Ahmad upheld its permissibility, it is what has to do with poetry and the likes, which doesn’t involve beating of drums nor musical instruments, nor clapping and dancing.
In this regard, our beloved mother, ‘Āishah radiyallāhu anha reported that two girls were chanting the poems that was made by the Ansār on the day of Bu’āth(NB: this hadith is transmitted and recorded by our beloved two Imāms, Imām Al-Bukhārī#952 and Imām Muslim#892.) and this is not singing, and it is known that the past generations doesn’t have all forms of musical instruments of this modern days, for verily all these musical instruments use to raise up desires and false happiness in the heart, thus the ignorant person thought that this his false joy is something attached to the Hereafter, and this is something that is not possible forever to attain through this means.
And Woo upon them and had it been they have even said: This is a form of play that we feel pleasure when engaging in it. Rather, they considered it as a form of a way of getting closer to Allāh, and they claim that singing and its likes which takes one out of his senses is tranquility and happiness, and the singing can even make them to do more crime like tiering of cloth and bustling, All these are *against the path of the *Salaf*.
Indeed, the true happiness and comfort can only be found in the recitation of the *glorious Qur’an* and listening to *admonitions*, in that, one will fear the torment of Allāh and hope for His promises, and one will regret on his negligence towards righteousness.
*17th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!