Daily Posts

The Awrād of the Day.



Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-

The second wird of the day.

This wird begins from the rise of sun til the end of the Duha prayer. The range of this wird is approximately three hours from sunrise. This time is highly precious and one is encouraged to do the following duties:

1. To pray Salatu Adduha.

2. To visit the sick ones or to attend funeral prayer.

3. To attend educational gathering.

4. To assist the Muslims in their daily affairs.

5. Lastly, if one is not able to do one of the aforementioned duties, then he should busy himself with the recitation of the Glorious Qur’an and remembering Allah, The most High.

The Third wird of the sun.

This starts from the end of the Duha prayer time til midday. In this wird, one is recommended to do the following:

1. To seek for his livelihood.

2. To take afternoon naps in order to assist him in performing Qiyamullayl(I.e Night ).

The Fourth wird of the day.

This wird starts from the mid of the day til the end of the time for Zuhr prayer. In this wird, one is beloved to;

1.repeat the Adhan after the muazzin when he calls to the Zuhr prayer.

2.pray four Rak’at before praying the Zuhr prayer.

3.pray the Zuhr prayer, and to pray four Rak’at after it as a nawaafil( supererogatory prayer).

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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