٧- قال ابن القيم رحمه الله:
(( فالمؤمن المخلص الله: أطيب الناس عيشا، أنعمهم بالا، أشرحهم صدر، أشرهم قالت وهذه جنة عاجلة قبل الجنة الآحلة))
الداء و الدواء.
Ibn Al-Qayyim – Rahimahullāh – said:
“The sincere Believer to Allah is the purest of people in living, the most bountious in spending, the cleanest of hearts, the most open minded, and (being in) this (state) is the near Jannah before the later Jannah”.
Ad-Dā’u Wa Ad-Dawā.
Thus the cleaner and purer your heart is, the more you feel peace and enjoy the bounties of the world.
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran