Daily Posts

Ways of Treating Show Off 03



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

*Second Stage:*

Eliminating the unforseen thoughts of showoff that may come up to the heart during ‘Ibādāt, and this become incumbent upon one to get rid of it also.

For whoever struggles with his heart, and seeks to uproot the showoff from its root with piety, belittling himself in front of others, and neglecting their praise and blames, then, still, shaitān will not shun away from him during his ‘Ibādah.

Rather, he will be whispering to him all sort of thoughts which may lead to showoff. If he whispers to him to beautify his ‘ibadah in the presence of others, then he should push away such thought by saying;

what are you going to gain from showing off your good acts to others? Allāh is the knower of everything and He is one who Gives Rewards not people, thus, no any benefits in showing off.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*29th Dhul Hijjah,1438H.*



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