_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, doors which leads to show off are of different levels depending on the setbacks, dangers and disasters it might cause to one’s deen.
*First Stage.*
This is the most dangerous of the stages. It is for one not to aim with one’s ‘Ibādah the reward of Allāh Ta’āla right from the onset of the ‘Ibādah.
Rather, the main purpose of the ‘Ibādah is just to show off to others. For instance, for one to always pray outwardly in the presence of others but abandon it when one is alone or in their absence. And this is a sign of hypocrisy in one’s heart.
*Second Stage.*
This is for one to combine the intention of aiming for reward with one’s ‘Ibādāt and the intention of showing off at the same time. But in this case, the intention of aiming for reward is lesser as against that of showing off.
Though, if one happened to be alone one will not carryout the ‘Ibādah. Therefore, it is close to the first stage because Allāh Ta’āla doesn’t accept deeds that are not solely done for His sake.
*Third Stage.*
This is when the intention of showing off and that of earning reward becomes equal in a way that, if one of the intention is absence it will hinder one from the good act. In this case, one has indeed nullified one’s good intention therefore one is not free from sins.
*Forth Stage.*
This is when the presence of others affects the beauty of one’s ‘Ibādah in a way that, one is happy and feel stronger to continue the ‘Ibādah due to their presence.
Though, in their absence, one doesn’t stop the ‘Ibādah completely but it is not as beautiful as when they were present. In this situation, one shall be rewarded for one’s good intention, and also be punished for the bad intention.
The similitude of one in this case is as though a man who aim to pray with the intention of making short rukū’u, sujud and reciting short verses, however, due to the presence of others, he chooses to beautify his prayer by making long sujud, ruku’u and reciting long verses of the glorious Qur’an.
This stage of showing off is also forbidden and disliked for it shows that such a person gave much respect and priority to people in his ‘Ibādah as against the respect he ought to have given to Allāh Ta’āla. However, it is not of the showing off which comes from the onset of the ‘Ibādah.
*10th Dhul Qa’dah,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!