Daily Posts

The Time Of Breaking Fast


عن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فال: إذا أقبل الليل من ها

هنا، وأدبر النهار من هاهنا، وغربت الشمس، فقد أفطر الصائم.

أخرجه البخاري ومسلم

On the authority of Umar bin Khattab radiyaLLahu anhu who said that he heard the messager of Allah salallahu alayhi wasalam said:

“When night falls from this side (the east) and the day vanishes from this side (the west) and the sunsets, then the fasting person should break his fast.”

Al-Bukhari and Muslim.



♦ The proper time for iftar (breaking the fast) is immediately after sunset without delay.

♦ It is realised by observing the current time the sun sets which marks the falling of the night and disappearance of the day and not by calculation.

♦ This time is a refutation to the people of the book who holds that the breaking of the fast is only after the appearance of the stars.

May Allah strengthen us and accept our Ibaadah, Aameen.

Don’t forget the Muslim Ummah in your Du’a.



Islamnode is a platform for the dissemination of sound Knowledge of Islam and an orientation of Muslims of the Sciences of the Din in accordance with the Pristine Knowledge taught by the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – to the Companions – Ridwanullah ‘Alayhim – and understood by them, their Students and those who followed them of the earliest generations. We follow the Sunnah of the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – and promote the Works of the Ulama of Sunnah from the first generation to date. Our goal is to propagate the Sciences of Islam, to disseminate the sound understanding of the Salaf and to enable the sound education of Muslims in this era.

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