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The Treatment For At-Tawbah and the Way to Cure being Persistent in Sin.



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

The Treatment For At-tawbah and the way to cure being persistent in sin.

Know verily that, it is not possible to know the treatment of a disease except by knowing the disease itself, for there is no meaning in medicine except in that which goes against the causes of disease, and things are not nullified except with their opposite, and what causes persistence on sins are heedlessness and desires, and heedlessness is cured with a sound knowledge, while the desires are cured by being patient on safeguarding oneself from the path that may lead to them.

And heedlessness is the source of every sin, And the only way to cure this is by sound knowledge and patient.

In this scenario, the ‘Ulamā are the physician for this disease, because it is the disease of the heart, and the disease of the heart is more severe than that of the body.

The reasons for that are;

A). The disease of the heart may be screened from the person affected.

B). The effects are not apparently noticed in this world, as against the disease of the body, its end is real death and the nature of man dislikes that, while that which comes after death is invisible, thus, one may see others having tawwakul on Allāh regarding the diseases of the heart, while at the same time, spent all their efforts in treating physical diseases without dependence.

C). The incurable disease which is the lack of a doctor, the doctor here are the pious ‘Ulamā, and most of them have one or two diseases of the heart in this era’s of ours; and the most dangerous disease of the heart is the love of worldly gains, and this may have overtaken them totally, thus, they cannot warn others against certain diseases lest they should say to them: why do you command others for treatment while you neglect yourself in that regard?

Therefore, because of this reason, the incurable disease conquered and its treatment terminated.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*25th Dhul Hijjah,1439H.*




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