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The Virtues Of Zuhd as to the Basics of life 07: Status



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

7). Status.

No doubt, a servant should have some sorts of status even in the heart of his servant.

When a Zāhid is preoccupied with asceticism, he may feels having some level of status in his heart. Thus, he is highly encouraged to protect himself from its evils and flaws.

In Summary, those seven basics necessities of life is not counted amongst the luxuries of the transitory life even though some of the pious salaf were given Halal wealth, but they will say:

We cannot accept the wealth least our Dīn should be affected.

Allāhu A’alam
Bārakāllāhu fīkum.

1st Rabīu Al-Awwal, 1441H.





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