Daily Posts

The Wealth that is Praiseworthy



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily that, we have explained that, wealth is not blameworthy in itself but it depends on the way it is being used. If it is directed in the best way according to the shari’a, it is praiseworthy, for it can be used for the interest of the religion and one’s dunya affairs.

Saī’d Ibn Al-Musayyib rahimahullāhu said:

There is no form of goodness in the one who doesn’t seek wealth from it’s right source thereby safeguarding himself from begging, and assisting his relatives, and giving out the due rights of the wealth.

And Abū Ishāq As-sabīi’ said:

We considered wealth as a helper upon the deen.

And Sufyān said:

Wealth in this our era serves as a weapon for the believers.

In summary, wealth is as though a snake, in it there is poison and antidote, the antidote is the good part of it while the poison is the bad part, whosoever knows the bad and the good part will be able to safeguard himself from it’s evil, and benefit from it’s good side.

*24th Shābān,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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