Daily Posts

The Worshippers



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

*The Second Category: The worshippers.*

Amongst the worshippers, are those who neglect the obligatory part of the Dīn and busy themselves with the voluntary and the supererogatory aspects of the Dīn.

Some of them may be too meticulous in the use of water for ablution to the extent that they may be doubtful regarding the purity of the water and they may even consider the water not to be suitable for ablution.

Whereas in real sense, those uncertainties are totally far from reality. Coupled with the fact that ‘Umar Radiyallāhu anhu was reported to have performed ablution in one of the kettles of a Christian woman despite the possibility of doubting the purity of the water.

Whereas in other issues, ‘Umar Radiyallāhu anhu use to hasten to shun away from that which is halal in itself out of fear of falling into that which is Haram.

Amongst them are those who are extravagant in the use of water and they use most of their time for it to the extent that the time of the salah may elapse without them noticing.

Amongst them are those who are so picky regarding the first takbir in salah that they may miss the first rak’ah with the Imām.

And others amongst them may be too careful regarding the recitation of sūratu Al – fātihah to the extent that they may concentrate completely on the recitation itself without giving much concern to its meaning and lessons.

And this is one of the worst form of deception, for man is not commanded to undergo such pretension when reciting the verses of the Glorious Qur’an except that which is of natural form of speech.

The case of these people is as though a person who took a written message to a King, and he was so picky concerning reading and repeating the content of the message while being negligent of the goal of the message itself.

Then, who is in the best position to be chased away and dealt with than this man in front of the king?…

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*4th Rajab, 1439H.*



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