Daily Posts

The Worshippers 02



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

Amongst the worshippers, are those who are too meticulous with the recitation of the Glorious Qur’an to the extent that they may not give much concern to its meanings and lessons and they may recite the complete Qur’an once or twice in a day. They recite the Qur’an with their tongue while their heart is heedless of what they are reciting.

Thus, neither did they derive lessons from its verses nor did they abide by its rules and regulations. These people are deceived from all angles. Reason being that, they only stick to the recitation of the Holy Qur’an without taking lessons from it.

Hence, the similitude of these people is as though a servant who was given a letter by his master and the letter contains the rules and regulations of his master. However, the servant was negligent of those orders, neither did he bother to digest those contents of the letter nor act upon them. Rather, he busied himself with memorizing and repeating the contents while his actions contradicts the orders of his master.

Amongst them are those who are mesmerized and carried away with the sweetness of their voices during the recitation of the Glorious Qur’an while being negligent of its meanings and lessons. For this, one is highly recommended to censure one’s heart to know whether this engrossment in the Holy Qur’an during its recitation is due to its arrangement of the verses, one’s sweet voice or its meanings.

Amongst them are those who restrict themselves to fasting and they are readily eager to increase this good act. However, they don’t protect their tongue from backbiting, unnecessary talks and neither did they safeguard their stomach from Haram during iftār nor their heart from showoff.

And amongst them are those who strictly attach themselves only to the ‘ibādah of Hajj after the first Hajj while they oppress others directly or indirectly, and they have a lot of debts on them which is wājib on them to pay back.

Furthermore, neither did they seek pleasure of their parents, nor seek that which is halal in terms of their sustenance. And at times, they don’t guide themselves from illicit acts and disputes.

Meanwhile, despite all these despicable acts, they still consider themselves amongst the pious ones while unknowingly, they are totally deceived and lured.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*12th Rajab,1439H.*



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