_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily – may the Rahmah of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, food are like medicine and serves as nutrients to the body, its aim is to strengthen the body for the purpose of ibādāt which is the main reason of the existence of man on earth, for dunya is not a permanent home and its enjoyment breaks with death.
Hence, the intelligent person is the one that exhausted all his efforts and energy in preparing for Hereafter.
In addition, If the child is brought up in a good way and in accordance to the teachings of the deen, it will eventually have impact in his heart.
In this regard, Sahl Ibn ‘Abdullāh said:
_When I was three years old, I used to wake up and see my maternal uncle – Muhammad Ibn Suwār- praying in the midnight. Then, one day, he said to me: Won’t you remember Allāh, the one who created you? I replied to him that; How would I remember Allāh? He said to me: Say with your heart three times without moving your lips: Allāh is with me, Allāh is watching me, Allāh is seeing me. I said it for many nights, then I learnt of it, he then said to me: Always say it 11times every night. I said it, then I felt its sweetness in my heart. After a year, my maternal uncle said to me: Adhere to what you learnt, and be steadfast to it till you enter your grave. Since that time, I didn’t stop from saying it for many years, then I found its sweetness in my heart, then he said to me again: Ya sahl, whosoever Allāh is with, and is watching and seeing him, should he disobey Him? Hence, beware of disobeying Him. I then enrolled in madrasah where I memorized the glorious Qur’an while I was seven years old. And used to fast siyāmu Dawud, stand for tahajjud for the whole night and my food is mainly bread._
*4th Jumādā Al-ūlā, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!