_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily – may the infinite mercy of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, whenever a child carried out a good action and a praiseworthy character, then, the child should be honored and praised amongst people in order to encourage him more for the act.
However, if the child did something wrong, then he should be corrected secretly and at times, the act should be overlooked and covered. But if he still persists on the act, then he should be frightened that people may be aware of his bad act if he did not desist from the act.
And when correcting the child, that should be done gently and in a soft manner and he should not be over blamed so that he will not get use to it.
In addition, the mother should scare the child by using his father so that the father can have much influence on him. In terms of sleeping, the child should be discouraged from sleeping in the afternoon except in some cases because it causes laziness to the child, but he should be allowed to sleep in the night.
The mattress of the child should be a little bit rough in order to make his joints stronger and this principle is also applicable to his clothes.
The child should be used to trecking and exercises so that he will not be overpowered with tiredness and laziness.
Moreover, the child should be warned from being proud on his friends with what his parent possesses be it food, clothes etc. Rather, the child should be humble, soft and always honor others.
Lastly, the child should be highly discouraged and warned from collecting things from his friends, for it is an act of lowliness, and he should be informed that honor and dignity are with those who always give out their belongings.
*2nd Jumādā Al-ūlā, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!