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_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


Travelling is a means by which one seeks either to escape from something one fears or a means by which one can attain a certain goal.

Know verily that, travelling is of two types; physical travelling from one place to the other and travelling of the heart which has to do with shunning away from the imagination and thinking of worldly matters to the remembrance of Allāh, the most High, and it is classified as the best travelling one can embark on in this life.

The physical travelling has different categories, and it has its own virtues and vices. The benefits of this travelling is either for one to seek an outlet from a calamity that befalls a certain place or seek to achieve a goal which is beneficial to one.

Examples of these are: like running from a place because of certain diseases, high cost of selling goods, or in order to safeguard one’s religion from such a place because of its evils.

And the physical travelling may be for worldly affairs like seeking for wealth, position or for the life to come like searching for knowledge of the deen, knowledge of good manners and signs of Allāh Azzawajal. A@aa

In travelling from one place to another, one will be able to rectify his shortcomings and one will be able to detect his errors. This is because one may be opportuned to meet the pious people and learn from them, good character.

Also in travelling, one will see the signs of Allāh. Amongst those signs are the rocks, oceans, different types of Animals and plants.

*11th Safar, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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