Daily Posts

Treatment of Patience



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

Know verily that, the most difficult form of patience and struggle, is the curbing of premonition, and this become more severe in the case of a person who is secluded, for several thoughts will not cease coming to his heart.

The treatment for this is to cut any means that may lead to that, and to single out one’s goal which is the Hereafter, and to also direct one’s thought to the wonders in what Allāh Has created so that one will be able to overcome the whispers of the Shaitan.

One should also stick to the recitation of the glorious Qur’an with pondering on the verses, holding firm to azkār, praying Salah with conscious heart, for it is the premonition which occupies the heart not the apparent _Awrād_, thus, this can only be achieved by determination and seriousness.

As for the divine gifts, and obtaining the mercy of Allāh Ta’āla for every situation and action, then this is like the case of fishing, this depends on the divine providence, little efforts may be exerted, but catches more, and much efforts may be impacted, but catches little.

The solution to this, is for one to struggle hard, elevate one’s heart towards Allāh and uproot the love of dunya in one’s heart for that is used to weigh the deeds of man in the Hereafter.

And what’s also upon us is to prepare our hearts in order to receive the blessings of Ar-Rahmān, as though a farmer who prepares his land, gets rid of grasses, and planted on the land, all these has no meaning without rain, however he doesn’t know when the rain will fall, except that he has full certainty in the mercy of Allāh that the year will not pass without rain.

Likewise, this also applies to blessings, a year, or a month or a day will hardly pass without attaining one or two blessings after preparing our hearts for it.

Therefore, a servant is recommended to begin by purifying his heart first through getting rid his unlawful desires, and then planting on it sincerity and good wills, and he should expose it to the showers of Allāh’s mercy.

And just as rain is more likely to fall during spring, likewise the blessings of Allāh is more likely to fall in their precious time, and when the heart has really submitted completely to Allāh such as the day of _’Arafah_, the day of _Jumu’ah_, and in _Ramadān._

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*18th Al-Muharram,1440H.*




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