Daily Posts

Treatment of Poverty



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

And it was reported regarding a poor man who suffered severe poverty that he fell in despair, then he saw in a dream that a man said to him that:

_”would you be pleased to be made to forget sūratu Al-‘An’ām and be given one thousand Dīnār? He said: No. The man then said: what about forgetting sūratu Hūd or Yūsuf? He said: No. Thus, the man then warned him that: why do you complain of poverty while you were bestowed with numerous blessings which are better than hundred thousand Dīnār!”._

Also, it was narrated that Ibn As-sammāk visited Ar-rashīd and admonished him, Ar-rashīd then cried. Ibn As-sammāk then asked for a cup of water and said:

Oh Amīru Al-Mu’minīn! If you were to be prevented from drinking this cup of water except by giving up your position, would you do so? He said: Yes. Ibn As-sammāk then said: take it and drink, may Allāh bless you. After he drank, ibn As-sammāk then said: Oh Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, do you think if you are prevented from excreting this water unless by giving up the worldly gains, would you do so? He said: Yes, then he replied: what would you gain from a thing(I.e dunyah) in which water is more Worthy than it?!

Hence, this shows that the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla upon a servant of giving ability and opportunity to be able to drink due to thirst is precious than the whole world. Also, excreting the waste product from the body is of great grace.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*14th Jumāda Al-Ūla,1440H.*



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