_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, as for the treatment of the heart and returning it back to its soundest position, is for one to first check its causative factor, if one intends to treat the disease of miserliness, its treatment is for one to be generous but without being extravagant.
For by so doing, one may pass the limit in spending, and that act may now lead to another illness to the heart, it will now be like someone who is trying to treat a cold situation by applying heat, unfortunately, much heat was applied, and as a result, it lead to another disease.
However, what is needed is moderation and balancing between laxity and excessiveness.
And if one wants to know whether one is at the middle point, one should check oneself, if saving, gathering and withholding money is more beloved to one, and more easy than giving out, then one should know that one has the character of miserliness, then, in this case, one should cure the disease by spending the money.
And if in the other case, one prefer spending the money as against withholding and giving out the money is more easy than saving, then one may be considered being extravagant, then, one should withhold a little.
However, one should not seize trying to balance between negligence and excessiveness until one attains the balanced point between the two characters and one’s heart has no connection to the money, thus, one neither shift to extravagance nor negligence.
Rather, the money becomes like free running water, for one doesn’t seek to withhold it for a certain goal nor does one allowed it to move freely for a certain purpose, thus, which ever soul attained this middle point, it has indeed comes to Allāh in this position as free heart from vices and evil.
*21st Rabī’u Ath-thāni, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!