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Virtues of Hope



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Virtue of Hope.

It is reported in the “Sahīhayn” from the Hadīth of Abī Hurairah Radiyallāhu anhu, from the Prophet Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam who said:

قال الله عز وجل: أنا عند ظن عبدي بي

Allah says: I live in the thought of My servant as he thinks of Me.

In another narration,

فليظن بي ما شاء

So let him think of Me the way he likes.

Transmitted by Imām Ahmad(3/491). Shaykh Al-Albānī declared it as Sahih in “As-sahīhah” (1663).

And another Hadīth from the narrations of Imām Muslim(2877): that the Prophet Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam said:

لا يموتن أحدكم إلا وهو يحسن بالله

None of you should court death except hoping good from Allah.

And Allah Ta’āla Inspired Prophet Dāwud ‘alayhissalam that:

Love Me, and those who love Me. And you should make My servants love Me. Dāwud said: Ya Rabb, how can I make them love You?Allah says: remember Me in good terms and reiterates My favors and prodigies.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

2nd Sha’bān,1440H.





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