_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, there are means which leads to envy and grudges, amongst them are: enmity, arrogance, pride, love of leadership or position, miserliness, hatred.
Therefore, whenever a person harmed his brother due to some reasons, that may cause hatred and grudges in his heart if he doesn’t forgive and overlook it.
Enmity and grudges brings about revenge and retaliation, thus, whenever such person falls in calamity and tries, he is happy with it, and he thought that it is a form of repayment for him by Allāh regarding the injustice caused by such person. And whenever good befalls him, he is sad and worried.
But in the case of a pious servant, he doesn’t envy his brother nor show hatred to him. Rather, he dislikes such bad character and hasten to seek refuge in Allāh regarding it and he always overlooks the shortcomings of his Muslim brothers.
Moreover, arrogance leads to envy as we have stated. This is for a person to dislike the progress of others in terms of position or wealth so that others can come under him and he can be able to behave in an arrogant manner towards them, feel pride and control them. But if others were able to attain such position and they superseded him, he will surely envy them and wish that such blessings never exist again.
And this is the case of the kuffār regarding our beloved Messenger sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.
In this regard, Allāh says:
_وقالوا لولا نزل هذا القرآن على رجل من القريتين عظيم._
_And they say: If only this Qur’an had been revealed to a great man of the two towns?_
*Suratu Az-zukhruf, verse 31.*
And Allāh says regarding the believers:
_أهؤلا من الله عليهم من بيننا._
_Are these the ones whom Allāh favours amongst us.?_
*Suratu Al-An’ām, verse 51.*
And Allāh also says in another verse;
_ماأنتم إلا بشر مثلنا_
_You are but people like us._
*Suratu Yāsin, verse 15.*
And He, the Almighty says:
_ولئن أطعتم بشر مثلكم إذا لخاسرون._
_If you dare follow somebody like you, you will surely be of the losers._
*Suratu Al-Muminūn, verse 34.*
Thus, they envied him because of the status and virtues that Allāh bestowed upon His beloved prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.
But as for the love of leadership or position, its example is for a person who is unique in his field without having a rival nor partner, and he is overwhelmed with praises, and he is happy with such praises for being the only person in town in his field to envy another person who posses the same skills of his or even more than him.
This person will certainly hate such rival and he may even prefer that such a person never exist or at least, let such talent seize to be with such his partner so that he can maintain his popularity.
And this may be what has to do with either bravery, knowledge, or act of worship, crafts and the likes.
And in this context, the scholars of the Jews make inkar of the prophet sallallāhu alayhi wasallam and disbelieved in him due to fear of losing position and leadership.
*16th Rajab,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!