_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
know verily that, the nature of people one relates with may affect one’s ‘Ibādah.
For instance, being in the company of devout worshippers who prays at night can encourage one to pray the night with them and fast when they fasts. Whereas, if one was alone, one may not pray at all or one may just pray for a short period in the night. Thus, one develops the interest of engaging in many ‘Ibādāt due to their company.
However, one may think that such act of doing good act due to being in the company of pious ones is a form of showoff. But, this is not always the case. Rather, there are some exceptional cases.
Like in the case of a believer who have strong ambition to worship Allāh Ta’āla, but was hindered by some obstacles, and carried away by heedlessness. But being in the miss of the pious people, he overcome those obstacles and was able to pray with them.
In addition, if he was alone in his house, he may sleep off on his bed or may be carried away by the affairs of his family the whole night, but if he passes the night with the devout worshippers, he will be able to overcome those obstacles thereby increasing good acts.
But in such situation, shaitan may try to block him from the good act by whispering to him under the pretext of finding fault with showoff. Therefore, he should not be misled by such traps of shaitan. Rather, he should purify his intention mainly for the sake of Allāh Ta’āla.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*13th Al-Muharram,1438H.*